07 March 2021

Pickled Vegetables

Just as with the pickles, this is just the recipe. You will have to prepare and process the jars for canning.

Step 1) Make the brine and bring to a boil (for 4 12-ounce jars; adjust accordingly): 

2 C. white wine vinegar
2 C. water
1 C. sugar
2 T. pickling salt

Step 2) Blanche the vegetables in the brine:

Carrots: 10 minutes
Ramps: 10 minutes
Cauliflower: 3 minutes (if colored cauliflower steam for 5 minutes rather than blanching in the brine)

These are the veges I usually use but a lot of others would be good too. You can probably look up blanching times for other vegetables online or just make your best guess.

Step 3) To each 12 ounce jar add:

1 bay leaf
2 tsp fennel seeds (I leave the fennel out for cauliflower)
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp coriander seed
1 tsp black peppercorns
optional: 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper or a small dry cayenne pepper
optional: "Pickle Crisp" (You can buy at the grocery store or online. It does just what the name says -- keeps the vegetables more crispy.)

Step 4) Add the vegetables to each jar and then fill the jar with boiling brine leaving at least 1/2" of headspace at the top.

Step 5) Process by immersing in boiling water with cover on canner for 10 minutes. Turn off heat and let jars sit in the hot water for another 5 minutes. Remove jars from canner to cool. 

1 comment:

Somebody calls me Nana said...

This sounds good, Bim. I usually put cocoa powder in with the spices. I am going to try the chocolate and see if I can taste a difference.